Which Specialist or Doctor To Consult For Leg Swelling?

Unexplainable swelling of your legs or edema accompanied by difficulty breathing is alarming. Even worse when you've got leg pain or even chest pain. In this case, it’s time to see a leg swelling doctor. Recognizing when to seek medical treatment from a swelling leg doctor in Mayland is crucial since edema can be life-threatening.
Inflammation in your leg from an illness or accident can also create swelling. You can manage edema with a few straightforward home remedies. However, if you see any symptoms or warning indications of potentially significant issues, you should inform your doctor about this illness.
Leg & Feet Swelling Treatment in Maryland and Virginia
Various ailments, including insect bites and bruising, can cause swelling. Due to injuries, your system pumps fluid to the afflicted area to aid healing. While the injury heals, extra fluid drains away, and swelling decreases.
Temporary fluid buildup might result in mild edema of your feet and legs. And gravity might worsen the situation. Fluid may gather in your ankles, calves, and feet after a lengthy car or airplane travel. Or after standing for an extended amount of time. Other illnesses that could cause edema notably affect the heart or kidneys:
- Liver cirrhosis
- Lymphedema
- Enlarged, weakened heart
- Venous insufficiency
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Kidney disease
Additionally, warm weather, tight stockings, inactivity, and excessive weight can aggravate this condition. Pregnant women may also experience similar swelling. People that menstruate might experience leg swelling just before their period starts.
Leg Swelling Treatment
Reducing the inflammation of your feet could be your ultimate goal. So, should you or a loved one experience mild swelling, you can opt for home treatment. But if the edema is severe, seek the services of a leg swelling doctor as soon as possible.
Because this could be life-threatening, it’s time to call a physician concerning your leg swelling. And if you don’t have one, visit your primary doctor, who can then refer you to a specialist. Seek urgent help or Call 911 if you've got swollen legs and any of these symptoms:
- Confusion
- Spitting up blood
- Breathing difficulties
- Chest pain
- Dizziness
- Chest stiffness or pressure
- Fainting
The diagnosis of your illness will determine the doctor’s treatment strategy. Therapy, however, is not only based on your circumstances. Other elements that influence therapy include:
- Medical and health background
- Age
- Your condition's severity and how it impacts your way of life
- Your endurance for particular treatments, techniques, and therapies
- Other health issues and general level of illness
- Your interests and viewpoints
- How long your physician anticipates that your condition will last
Your physician could opt for venous disease treatment, which most use minimally invasive techniques. Such include the venogram technique, venoplasty surgery, and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). Also, the venous stent implantation.
Or you can use a specialist radiofrequency or laser catheter to ablate or close the superficial vein. Another option is injecting medicine straight into the troublesome vein.
How To Treat Lymphedema
A lymphedema expert could evaluate you based on your primary doctor's recommendation. And the expert is skilled in a particular massage treatment. They'll help empty fluid from the tissues back into the circulatory and lymphatic systems.
For usage at home, lymphedema pumps could be ideal. The pumps are convenient to use every day at home. The pumps deliver irregular compression at various leg levels to force fluid from the tissue. And the fluid goes back into the circulatory and lymphatic systems.
Leg Swelling Treatment in Pregnancy
Edema in pregnant women is common and unrelated to vascular disease. Your body retains extra fluid when you're pregnant. And this naturally causes some body organs and tissues to enlarge. Pre-eclampsia, an increase in hypertension, can also exacerbate leg swelling.
Additionally, as your child grows, your uterus expands. As a result, pressure increases in your veins. The result prevents blood from flowing from your legs and raises vein tension.
Pregnancy-related leg edema treatment is entirely separate from vascular illness, which involves:
- Putting on compression socks with elastic that is a bit loose.
- Placing a cushion beneath your legs when you lie down.
- Reducing your intake of salt.
- If you sit and stand for longer, get up and walk around often.
- Wearing loose-fitting clothing instead, particularly around your thighs and legs.
- Exercising your legs assists the fluid in your legs flowing to your heart again.
- Foot massage.
Leg Swelling Standard Therapy
In most cases, therapy involves lowering risk factors and giving patients medicine. Since vascular disease often begins without any symptoms, screening is crucial.
Regardless of the presence or lack of symptoms, your physician will likely evaluate you and advise the following course of therapy to get the most out of each approach and offer you the optimum chance of resolving your disease.
- Determine and address each risk factor. And this includes weight, smoking, fitness level, and so on
- Administering blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood thinning drugs
- Thirty minutes, three times a week, of walking or gentle cardio
- Support with quitting smoking
- Footcare guidance
- Diet suggestions
- Supervision and treatment with your primary care physician
Doctors To Visit
- Cardiovascular specialists
- Vascular surgeons
- Nephrologists (kidney specialists)
- Lymphologists
- Hematologists (liver specialists)
- Orthopedic surgeons
When To Seek Physician’s Care
Generally, symptoms like chest discomfort, coughing up blood, difficulty breathing, fever, or skin that feels hot to the touch might signal a more severe condition. And especially if they appear quickly and severely. The best course of action often is to seek medical attention or have an expert examine your leg edema.
Make a call to your leg swelling doctor or request an appointment today.
Other Factors To Consider
Inflammation can also cause edema. When you’ve got inflammation, your body is fighting the infection. It’s trying to heal itself from the initial injury, such as sprained ankles, tor ligaments, arthritis, and cellulitis. Other injuries could be bursitis, a broken foot, a tight leg cast, and a ruptured Achilles tendon.