There are some activities that you should take note of and avoid for a few days immediately following your procedure.
You may resume your normal diet following your procedure. We encourage you to drink lots of water and non-caffeinated beverages for the first two days after your procedure.
Access site dressing
You may be discharged with a dressing over the access site that can be removed the next morning. Please inspect the access site daily for the first few days and notify us of any significant changes. Bruising around the area may be present. If you notice bleeding, swelling, or an increase in bruising, apply direct pressure over the area and seek medical attention immediately.
You may take a shower within the first 24 hours following your procedure. However, we ask that you refrain from soaking in a bathtub, hot-tub, or pool until the access site is healed.
Physical activities
Please avoid any heavy lifting (e.g. anything more than 10 pounds), straining, pushing, or impact exercises (e.g. running, jogging) for the first 3 days. You may walk, climb steps, and drive if you do not experience any bruising, swelling or pain at the access site.
Outside of certain blood thinning agents, most medications can be continued immediately following your procedure. Medications such as Coumadin (Warfarin) and injectable Heparin/Lovenox are potent blood thinners that can caused delayed bleeding from the access site. We usually ask that these blood thinners be held for 1-2 days following the procedure and we will specify when to begin use of these medications. If you take aspirin, Plavix or Aggrenox, you may continue use of these mediations if there are no signs of delayed bleeding or swelling at the access site.